About quoted
How does the media report on the flight of millions of people from Ukraine to countries of the European Union? In the same way as in 2015 / 2016 about those seeking protection from the Middle East? Or quite differently? In which way did the French media deal with the racist agitation of the candidates Eric Zemmour and Marine le Pen during the presidential election campaign? Why does the media in this country still not reflect the reality of a country in which more than a quarter of the population has a history of immigration? What is the source of the accusation that the media exclusively represent one position on some particularly controversial issues – and thus contribute to polarization and division? How far does the responsibility of journalists for social cohesion extend, or more precisely: What does this mean in concrete terms for their work?
Starting on April 7, 2022, “quoted. der medienpodcast” by the CIVIS Media Foundation for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe and the Süddeutsche Zeitung will explore such questions. The joint production is hosted by Nadia Zaboura, communication scientist, moderator and chairwoman of the Grimme jury for the German Radio Prize, and Nils Minkmar, SZ journalist, historian and media expert. The two discuss with each other and with experts from science, media, culture and politics how the diverse topics of the immigration society are reflected in newspapers, television, radio and online media. quoted. der medienpodcast” is sponsored by Stiftung Mercator.

quoted. der medienpodcast
How are the issues of the immigration society reflected in the media? Communication scientist Nadia Zaboura and SZ author Nils Minkmar analyze current reporting and media discourses.
A cooperation of the CIVIS Media Foundation and the Süddeutsche Zeitung, sponsored by the Mercator Foundation.
Photo credits
Photo: CIVIS