About Medientalk live
A new generation is growing up in Germany’s immigrant society: among the under-18s, almost one in two now comes from a family with an immigrant background; in total, 22 million of the people living here now have an immigrant biography. How is this reflected in media coverage? To what extent does the media take into account the perspectives of these citizens, especially the younger ones? How do debates about cultural diversity and participation, discrimination and racism play out? And what impact does all this have on social cohesion and on young people themselves?
For this purpose, Nadine Hadad and Marspet Movsisyan let experts, but also users without expert knowledge, have their say in the Instagram format “medientalk live”. Our two hosts reflect on how newspapers, broadcasters and online media report and invite viewers of the live broadcast to describe their own experiences and opinions. This can be, for example, the question of how people with international biographies appear in the media, what images, clichés or stereotypes are used or produced, or what effects the terms used have in communities. The focus is on the eminently important role of media of all genres for the cohesion of a society and for democratic culture.
“medientalk live” is a collaboration of the CIVIS Media Foundation and COSMO (WDR), sponsored by the Mercator Foundation. Every three weeks, Thursdays 6 p.m., start: 07 July 2022.