CIVIS Media Prize 2021
1. European CIVIS Media Prize
1.1 The best programme achievements in film, TV, radio and internet that deal with the issues of migration, integration and cultural diversity in Europe are honoured. The total prize money is EUR 27,000.
1.2 The productions entered are required to have been released between 22 January 2020 and 21 January 2021. The closing date is 21 January 2021.
1.3 The CIVIS prizes are awarded in a total of four fields and in several categories – as the VIDEO AWARD | AUDIO AWARD | YOUNG C. AWARD | CINEMA AWARD (audience award).
1.4 The CIVIS TOP AWARD is an additional prize awarded to the best production of the year in the AUDIO, VIDEO and YOUNG C. categories. No direct entries can be accepted for the CIVIS TOP AWARD.
1.5 All programmes must be submitted in their unaltered published form. They must not contain any (surreptitious) adverts and/or paid product placements. Magazine shows are to be submitted without any introduction, opening credits or jingles.
1.6 Participating radio and TV broadcasters, production companies, streaming services and training establishments must be headquartered within the EU or Switzerland.
2. CIVIS Media Prizes and Categories
From the CIVIS Prize – AUDIO | VIDEO | YOUNG C. categories Prize money EUR 15,000
TV | Internet Documentaries | Reports | Magazine shows| Short films| Feature films | Social media formats, etc.
Non-fictional programmes Prize money EUR 2,000
Fictional programmes Prize money EUR 2,000
Social media formats (moving images) Prize money EUR 2,000
Radio programmes | Podcasts Reports | Features | Audio dramas | Series, etc.
Short programmes of up to 6 minutes Prize money EUR 2,000
Long programmes of over 6 minutes Prize money EUR 2,000
Podcasts Prize money EUR 2,000
Films Young innovative programmes. Age limit applies. Prize money EUR 2,000
The Cinema Award is an audience award and is determined via online voting. From April 2021. With attractive prizes for participants.

The CIVIS TOP AWARD is an additional prize awarded to the best production of the year in the AUDIO, VIDEO and YOUNG C. fields. No direct entries can be accepted for the CIVIS TOP AWARD. If a programme wins the TOP AWARD, with prize money of EUR 15,000, it will not receive the EUR 2,000 prize money for the individual award.

4.1 The CIVIS VIDEO AWARD is presented to TV and Internet productions in the >Information< (non-fiction) and >Entertainment< (fiction) categories. In the Internet category, there is an additional award for social media formats (moving images). All forms of production are eligible.
4.2 Short programmes and magazine shows can participate in the CIVIS VIDEO AWARD without being individually assessed.
4.3 All TV broadcasters, TV production companies, streaming services and providers of online videos (social media formats – moving images, podcasts) from within the EU and Switzerland can submit competition entries.
4.4 Productions must be submitted in German or English or with appropriate subtitles from the original language into German or English.
4.5 For a series or serial, a maximum of three episodes can be submitted.
4.6 The submitted social media formats (moving images) must be accessible online during the observation period of the call for entries from 21 January to 21 February 2021. They must not have been changed during this time. Accessibility is the key criterion: all social media formats (moving images) must be accessible in German or English, stating the exact web address (URL).

5.1 The CIVIS AUDIO AWARD is presented to German-language audio or radio programmes from within the EU or Switzerland. It is divided into categories for short programmes (up to six minutes), long programmes (between six minutes and 120 minutes max.) and podcasts (120 minutes max.). All forms of production are eligible.
5.2 All radio stations and online providers of audio features within the EU and Switzerland can take part in the competition.
5.3 All forms of audio programme are eligible – from classic reports, features, portraits, audio dramas, podcasts, through interviews, comedies, collages, to interactive shows or campaigns.
5.4 Musical sections may be abridged, provided the editorial content and overall impression remain intact. Any abridgements must be noted on the online submission form.
5.5 For a series or serial, a maximum of three episodes can be submitted. Theme days or campaigns can only be submitted in three parts, each with a maximum of 120 minutes.
5.6 Submitted podcasts are required to have been accessible online during the observation period specified in the call for entries (21 January to 31 March 2021). They must not have been changed during this time. Accessibility is the key criterion: all podcasts must be accessible in German, stating the exact web address (URL).
5.7 The AUDIO jury will select five podcasts for online voting from the submitted entries. The podcast prize is an audience award and will be determined from these five entries via online voting.
6. YOUNG C. AWARD – age limit applies

6.1 The YOUNG C. AWARD is presented for film, TV and Internet (social media formats – moving images). All forms of production are eligible. Participants may not be older than 33 years of age.
6.2 All TV broadcasters, TV production companies and providers of online videos (social media formats – moving images) can submit entries. The same applies to all film and TV schools, journalism schools, academies and universities for journalism, communications and media within the EU and Switzerland. All rights to the submitted production must have been secured.
6.3 Productions submitted for the YOUNG C. AWARD must be publicly broadcast and/or accessible or have been officially recognised as a final project for the main subject of the respective training course (academy, university, etc.).
6.4 Productions must be submitted in German or English or with appropriate subtitles from the original language into German or English.
6.5 For social media formats, a related story must be submitted as a collage (e.g. as a screenshot via video upload). This must be available in the story highlights during the observation period from 21 January to 21 February 2021. For every submitted entry, a URL must be specified which leads directly to the story highlights.
6.6 Submitted social media formats (moving images) are required to be accessible online during the observation period of the call for entries from 21 January to 21 February 2021. They must not have been changed during this time. Accessibility is the key criterion: all social media formats (moving images) must be accessible in German or English, stating the exact web address (URL).
6.7 For a series or serial, a maximum of three episodes can be submitted.
7. Registering for the competition
7.1 The CIVIS 2021 competition starts on 14 December 2020. The closing date is 21 January 2021.
7.2 You must register for the CIVIS Media Prize competition online using the online registration form at www.civismedia.eu.
7.3 A brief description must be submitted for each entry. This content summary should be between minimum 700 and maximum 2,000 characters. This must be submitted in German or English.
7.4 All co-production partners must be listed on the registration form. The agreement of all co-producers to take part in the CIVIS competition is required.
7.5 Incomplete or incorrect information may result in disqualification from the CIVIS competition.
8. Registering competition entries
8.1 Once you have submitted the fully completed online registration form, you will receive a competition number (registration) for each individual entry. Each competition entry must be registered individually.
8.2 For every audio, film, TV or social media format (moving images) submitted for the competition, an audio or video file must be uploaded along with the fully completed online registration form.
8.3 Radio productions are to be submitted via audio file – in MP3 format with data rates between 128 kbit/s and 192 kbit/s and a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz. Video formats are to be submitted in MP4 or MOV or AVI format – in minimum HD 1280x720p resolution, Codec H264, 6-8 Mbit/s, 25f/s with a maximum size of 5 GB.
8.4 We process personal data in compliance with the relevant data protection provisions in accordance with our privacy policy, which is available here: https://www.civismedia.eu/en/privacy.
9. Reimbursement of costs
9.1 The organiser will not reimburse any costs for documents or materials submitted for the competition. Transport, customs and insurance costs will not be covered by CIVIS. Submitted materials will not be returned and will become the property of the CIVIS Media Foundation.
10. CIVIS Prize jury
10.1 An independent jury of experienced journalists and media experts will assess the submitted competition entries and select the award winners. The jury will also select five podcasts for the online public vote. The jury’s decision is final.
11. Announcement of award winners
11.1 Nominees for the CIVIS Media Prize 2021 will be announced before the award ceremony and the winners during the ceremony itself.
12. Public reproduction
12.1 The CIVIS Media Foundation has the right to publicly reproduce the audio and video entries submitted for the competition, as part of its radio, TV and online reporting of the award ceremony, including on third-party platforms (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram), to make these accessible or have these made accessible free of charge or to post these on the CIVIS website and the websites of the CIVIS Media Foundation’s cooperation partners https://www.civismedia.eu/en/medienstiftung/partner.
12.2 In particular, in addition to the entire programmes, individual images, photos and/or clips, etc. from the submitted audio and video programmes may also be used by the CIVIS Media Foundation and its cooperation partners in connection with the award ceremony and the reporting thereof. CIVIS may also grant these rights to third parties for press and PR work regarding its activities.
12.3 Submitters ensure and guarantee that they are entitled to exercise all the necessary copyright, performing rights and other rights to use the submitted material in accordance with Points 12.1 and 12.2, that they can dispose of these rights and that they have obtained any consent required under personality law. They release the CIVIS Media Foundation and/or authorised persons from any third-party claims in accordance with Points 12.1 and 12.2.
13. Declaration of consent
13.1 By registering for the CIVIS Media Prize 2021, you accept these participation conditions. Incomplete or incorrect information may result in disqualification from the competition.
13.2 The jury’s decision is final.
Header: WDR/ Dirk Borm