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CIVIS Media Prize 2025

The CIVIS Media Prize honours outstanding productions on television, radio, internet and cinema that promote the peaceful coexistence of people of different geographical and cultural origins.

The CIVIS prizes are awarded in four areas and in various categories:

CIVIS VIDEO AWARD Information, Fiction and Social Media
CIVIS AUDIO AWARD short contributions, up to 6 min., long contributions 6 min and more and Podcasts
YOUNG C. AWARD (Film, Age-limited)
CIVIS CINEMA AWARD (audience award)

The CIVIS TOP AWARD additionally honours the best production of the year in the fields of AUDIO, VIDEO and YOUNG C.. Direct application for the CIVIS TOP AWARD is not possible. No direct entries can be accepted for the CIVIS TOP AWARD.

The prizes are endowed with a total of 27,000 euros.

The CIVIS Media Prize is sponsored by ARD, represented by WDR, together with the Freudenberg Foundation.  ORF, SRG SSR, ARTE, 3sat, Deutsche Welle, Deutschlandradio and EBU are media partners. WDR mediagroup,  the Allianz Deutscher Produzentinnen und Produzenten – Film, TV und Audiovisuelle Medien e.V., the Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), the Open Society Foundations and the Deutsche Postcode Lotterie are cooperation partners.

You are cordially invited to submit your contributions on the topics of migration, integration, cultural diversity and – related to this – social cohesion by 12.12.2024.

Watch the CIVIS Prize Ceremony 2024 here.

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