CIVIS Media Prize 2023
Selection committee

The jury members from left to right.
Prof. Dr. Hans Vorländer
Technical University Dresden | Director Centre for Constitutional and Democracy Research, Mercator Forum Migration and Democracy
Borhan Akid
WDR PG Current Affairs, Europe and Abroad | Editor
Anna-Sophia Richard
Author and Director
Alejandro Mathé
International Film School Cologne I Student (directing)
Ferdos Forudastan
CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director
Can Külahcigil
SRF Swiss Radio and Television | Editor CR Radio, News
Nadia S. Zaboura (Chair)
Communication scientist, Specialist presenter, Chair of the Grimme Jury for the German Radio Prize
Jascha Hannover
Florianfilm GmbH | Director & Creative Producer
Christina Gruber
Cologne School of Journalism | Head of Digital Training
Anna Albrecht
ARD aktuell, tagesschau online | Social Media Reporter, Presenter

The jury members from left to right.
Eva Deinert
BR | Digital Journalist and Innovation Manager, Program Directorate Information, Digital Developments and Social Media
Ali Samadi Ahadi
Regisseur und Drehbuchautor
Ferdos Forudastan
CIVIS Media Foundation | Executive Director
Bernd Knopf
Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency | Head Office of the Independent Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination
Konstanze Beyer
RTL2 Fernsehen | Editor-in-Chief and Head of Knowledge & Documentaries Editorial Department, from 01.01.2023 Editor-in-Chief and Programme Director Factual & Doku
Schiwa Schlei (Chair)
WDR | Head of >COSMO< Program, Head of ARD Partner Management
Igor Evgen Bergant
RTV Slovenia | TV Anchorman >ODMEVI<
Nele Dehnenkamp
Director & Documentary Filmmaker
Susanne Sturm
MDR | Head of Editorial Department Religion & Society
Nil Idil Çakmak
Digital Journalist and Format Developer
Michael Loeb
WDR mediagroup GmbH | Chief Executive Officer
Header: bigstockphoto / Tupungato
Photos: CIVIS