CIVIS Media Prize 2022
CIVIS – Europe’s Media Prize for Migration, Integration and Cultural Diversity and – linked to this – social cohesion in Europe honours programme achievements in radio, television and the Internet which promote peaceful coexistence in the European immigration society. The CIVIS Cinema Prize as an audience award is added.
The award ceremony of the CIVIS Media Prize 2022 has take place on Friday, 03 June 2022, in Cologne and was broadcasted directly via livestream. Here you can find the CIVIS Award Ceremony in the ARD-Mediathek. ARD/Das Erste has broadcast the ceremony on Monday, 06 June 2022 at 23:35. Anna Dushime was the host.
Evening Special “60 years of Almanya”: Platform 11
cocktailfilms GmbH | Phoenix
Author | Director: Çağdaş Eren Yüksel
Editing: Uwe Meyer (Phoenix)
Producer: Çağdaş Eren Yüksel (cocktailfilms GmbH)
Director Yüksel, from the third generation of Turkish immigrants, draws a portrait of the “pioneers of the first hour”. Seven protagonists, in parallel stories, speak about their lives in the Federal Republic from the 1960s and 1970s up to the present. Perseverance and optimism characterize these narratives of a generation that has more to say than has been listened to so far.
“Impressive insights into the everyday reality of life of the first generation of immigrants. The protagonists are endearingly close and tell their stories with humor and a sharp eye for revealing details. Problems and hardship are not suppressed but balanced by an engaging and sensitive portrayal.”
Giganten Film Produktions GmbH | SWR | Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Author | Director: Anna-Sophia Richard
Editors: Marcus Vetter, Astrid Kuck (SWR)
Producers: Gerrit Klein, Adrian Goiginger (Giganten Film Produktions GmbH)
Co-production: SWR | Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
The film tells the story of six people from Fondo Negro, a village in the southwest of the Dominican Republic. The region is particularly affected by migration. Some residents stay, others leave their birth places, still others leave but come back. All of them are attached to their homes and families; migration shapes the fate of each and every one of them.
“What does it mean when a family is spread over several countries? In haunting images and carefully selected original quotes, the film shows the harrowing paradox of migration: someone leaves the family just to be there for them. The concrete urban landscape of Stuttgart and the colours of the Caribbean world are equally present. The film makes no moral judgements, but renders tangible the conflicting feelings with outstanding directing and camera work.”
For the entire contribution please contact:
Born in Evin
ZDF | ORF | Tondowski Films | Golden Girls Film
Author | Director: Maryam Zaree
Editing: Burkhard Althoff (ZDF), Susanne Spellitz (ORF)
Producers: Alex Tondowski, Ira Tondowski (Tondowski Films)
Co-production: Arash T. Riahi, Sabine Gruber, Karin C. Berger (Golden Girl Films)
Director Maryam Zaree was born in Iran’s most notorious prison. In Evin prison, Ayatollah Khomeini’s henchmen abused and killed political opponents, as those of the Shah’s regime had done before. The current government also uses the facility to imprison, torture and murder critics. After years behind bars, Maryam’s parents escaped and found a new home in Germany. The filmmaker tries to find out why the family never talked about the circumstances of her birth and what happened to children with a similar fate.
“Maryam Zaree tells her own story, which points far beyond her personal individual fate – to the larger contexts of flight, trauma and grief. This is both moving and illuminating. Alongside her own plight is a stubborn will to know and a powerful performance that breaks free of routine notions of what migration stories should look like.”
Friday night Jews | Talk for Shabbat with Helene Braun and Laura Cazés (S01/E03)
Turbokultur GmbH | WDR
Authors: Daniel Donskoy, Remigius Roskosch
Director: Remigius Roskosch
Editing: Thomas Hallet, Marion Menne-Mickler (WDR)
Producers: David Hadda, Martin Danisch (Turbokultur GmbH)
Friday evening, before the start of Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, Daniel Donskoy is hosting a dinner. The guests are future rabbi and LGBTQ activist Helene and Laura, a spokeswoman for the Central Welfare Office for Jews in Germany and representative of the Jewish Women Empowerment movement. It’s kosher, feminist, provocative and above all funny when the three of them tackle “Jewishness”. There are hardly any taboos but profound and stimulating insights into the diversity of Jewish life in this country.
“Freitagnacht Jews is enthralling, light and yet profound. Daniel Donskoy and his two guests discuss Jewish life in Germany in an extraordinarily lively way, taking on clichés, teasing left, right and centre, but never hurting. A conversation among friends that brings fun and new insights to both the participants and the audience.”
TOPIC&Geopolitics: Camp of Shame – Europe’s Libya Deal
ARTE G.E.I.E | Magneto
Author | Director: Sara Creta
Editing: Anne-Laure Négrin (ARTE G.E.I.E.)
Producers: Barbara Conforti, Marc Berdugo (Magneto)
Co-production: Magneto
The refugee camps in Libya are operational areas of an unholy business alliance of militias, human traffickers and authorities. Sara Creta lets the victims of this alliance have their say, showing a well-oiled system that makes a mockery of the EU’s pious commitments to human rights, and profits from the failure of European refugee policy.
“Sara Creta delivers extraordinarily intense and close-up images of disturbing sites. It becomes unmistakably clear that Europe, self-proclaimed haven of human rights, is at the same time deeply cynical when it comes to women and men from the outside seeking refuge here. Courageous, hard-hitting journalism, expertly crafted.”
Currently no media library availability
Black Eagles
Amazon Prime Video | BROADVIEW | ZDF
Author | Director: Dr. Torsten Körner
Editing: Gerrit Roth (Amazon Prime Video), Franziska Rempe (BROADVIEW), Peter Wolf (BROADVIEW)
Producer: Leopold Hoesch (BROADVIEW)
Creative Producer: Peter Wolf
Co-production: Thomas Fuhrmann (ZDF)
Erwin Kostedde, Jimmy Hartwig, Gerald Asamoah, Steffi Jones … – they were stars on the pitch, but their skin color made them the target of racist hostility. In the documentary “Black Eagles”, successful PoC players who made it into the German national team speak out about their experience. It was a fight against hidden prejudices and sometimes open hatred. Theirs is the story of a long and difficult process that is far from over: to normalise the coexistence of people of different origins and skin color.
“Football and Racism” – the film follows the history of social prejudices and conflicts that have changed appearance considerably but are far from over. Carefully sourced and with strong interviews, it looks into the careers of German PoC international soccer players, who have had a hard time to assert themselves, not only against rivals on the pitch. A very thoughtful script, outstanding directing and artful camerawork create a viewing experience that is as instructive as it is moving.
The Wannsee Conference
Feature film
ZDF | Constantin Film
Authors: Magnus Vattrodt, Paul Mommertz
Director: Matti Geschonneck
Editing: Stefanie von Heydwolff, Frank Zervos (ZDF)
Producers: Friederich Oetker, Reinhold Elschot
Executive Producer: Oliver Berben (Constantin Film)
On January 20, 1942, 15 senior officials of the SS, the NSDAP and the ministerial bureaucracy convened for a “meeting followed by breakfast” in a villa on the Großer Wannsee in Berlin. In an hour and a half, the bureaucratic procedures of the extermination of the Jews were discussed in detail and agreed upon. The film depicts the monstrous gathering on the basis of the minutes by Adolf Eichmann, one of the participants.
“The film sticks closely to the authentic minutes of a conversation about the organisation of a mass murder. But this is much more than a window into the past. The film, depressingly brought to life by great actors, is a reminder of how far a dehumanized bureaucracy is capable of going. At the same time, it is a warning of evolving inhumanity in some right-wing discourse today.”
Hang on!: Racism-free school. Episode 1.
KiKA – Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF
Authors: Joy Chun (Head Author), Tarkan Bagci, Farah Bouamar, Adrian Draschoff, Aguzo Giorgis, Julia Hingst, Arkadij Khaet
Director: Laura Fischer, Adrian Draschoff, Joy Chun
Editing: Steffi Warnatzsch-Abra, Dr. Matthias Huff
Producers: Christian Beumers, Alexander Weber
Children against racism – six friends are helping others, and adults in particular, when it comes to recognising and countering everyday racism. For example at school: things are freeze-framed at a specific moment and, using the means of sketch comedy – humor, parody, exaggeration – the given situation is made recognisable as a case of prejudice and discrimination against children from families with a migratory background.
“An extraordinarily enlightening film for children and adults alike, which relentlessly exposes racist clichés with great playful lightness, lots of wit and fantastic actors and actresses, thereby imparting a great deal of knowledge in an entertaining way. Subtle humor instead of dry instruction – that’s education without pointing fingers.”
I Was, I Am, I Will Be
TV film
ZDF | ARTE | if… Productions
Authors: Ilker Çatak, Nils Mohl
Based on an idea by: Ilker Çatak & Johannes Duncker
Director: Ilker Çatak
Editing: Olaf Grunert (ZDF/ARTE), Caroline von Senden (ZDF), Alexandra Staib (ZDF), Barbara Häbe (ARTE G.E.I.E.)
Producer: Ingo Fliess (if…Productions)
Co-production: Xavier Delmas (Loin Derrière L’Oural)
Marion, a self-confident pilot from Germany, meets Baran on a beach in Turkey. Baran, a Kurd discriminated against in his country, works in the tourism industry and dreams of life in the West. Marion is ready to take a chance. She guides Baran to Germany, helps him get a job at the airport and enters into a sham marriage with him. Her old friend Raphael is stunned. But Baran proves that he is much more than a good-looking entertainer – and Marion increasingly takes a liking to her fake husband.
“A play about distance and closeness and a love that isn’t stopped by barriers. The film, featuring great actors and directed with first-class craftsmanship, is lovingly told but never kitschy. The restrained presentation leaves a lot of interpretative freedom with regard to the motivation of the characters.”
WDRforyou – Afghanistan Talk
Authors | Directors: Bamdad Esmaili, Isabel Schayani
Editing: Isabel Schayani (WDR)
Production: Tibet Sinha (WDR)
After the Taliban take-over, many Afghans in Germany are worried about their families who have stayed behind. They realise their relatives are in great danger and no improvement of the situation can be expected. Bamdad Esmaili and Isabel Schayani talk to Afghan families in exile about the precarious fate of their loved-ones back home.
“The two hosts act as journalists and community managers in equal measure. They exploit perfectly the possibilities of social media by providing an interactive exchange platform for a target group whose non-German information options are limited or completely cut off for technical, political and linguistic reasons. Journalistically completely on the mark, politically extremely important and highly topical.”
What to do about racism in medicine? | NOW LET’S BE SPECIFIC | Alice Hasters
Author: Antonia Märzhäuser
Host: Alice Hasters
Camera: Mirko Heise (rbb)
Cut: Melanie Lueft (rbb)
Graphics: Müge Bulazar (rbb)
Editing: Franziska Kracht, Christina Heicappell (rbb)
Production: Tim Zinke (rbb)
“Your skin is too dark,” the doctor says to the black patient. This is not an isolated case – time and again, people with a migration background experience derogatory remarks and attitudes in German practices and hospitals. But incidents of this kind are not systematically recorded. The video collects relevant reports and examines the background of racism in medicine.
“A highly professional video with a very condensed content, full of information and wit. With humor and confident presentation, the host draws attention to a problem that has rarely been a public issue. Moreover, the video also outlines possible solutions, it follows a constructive line.”
My scar: Martin was a prisoner in a Syrian torture prison
WDR COSMO | bildband Film & Fernsehproduktion
Authors: Fitore Muzaqi, Henrik Schütz, Stefanie Vollmann
Director | Production: Fitore Muzaqi
Illustration: Luisa Bebenroth
Motion Designer: Frederik Vorndran
Editing: Miriam Anna Hochhard, Fitore Muzaqi
Co-production: Jan Hoffmann (bildband Film & Fernsehproduktion KG)
Martin works for an aid organisation in the Middle East. Right at the beginning of a new mission, he and a friend are kidnapped by Syrian security forces and taken to a prison in Damascus. There he experiences torture and rape but is eventually released. He decides to have his face tattoo – displaying an aerial bomb – removed. The scar is to remain, a token of his suffering.
“A credible and authentic rendition of methods to deprive a human being of his dignity. The protagonist, clearly trustful of the author, opens up unreservedly without the necessary journalistic distance suffering. This is captivating and touching while avoiding cheap pathos. Visual design is unobtrusive, allowing the story to take centre stage. “
Diagonal to the theme of living together. Wahiba – 3
Radio program
Austrian Radio | Ö1
Author | Director: Olivia Wimmer
Editing: Ines Mitterer-Guitart
The video traces German African colonialism at the beginning of the 20th century. It follows the story of the medical pioneer Robert Koch and his experiments on Africans. Considered to this day a shining light of scientific research in Germany, Koch is regarded in Africa as a key representative of ruthless and inhumane exploitation disguised as medical progress – an aspect the institute named after Koch mentions only in passing on its website.
“The subject of integration is not dealt with here in a theoretical way. It is the subject of a personal story vividly told. The protagonist speaks candidly and forcefully. It is all about big issues such as home, rejection, being a foreigner. But details of everyday life show how a self-confident woman is coping with those challenges.”
Currently no media library availability
Information in the morning: Saxony government coalition at loggerheads over deportation of well-integrated Georgian families
Deutschlandradio | Deutschlandfunk
Author: Alexander Moritz
Editor: Silvia Engels
The Georgian family Imerlishvilli is perfectly well integrated in Germany, yet in June 2021 they are picked up by police at night and deported to Tbilisi. Friends and neighbours are horrified; in the Saxon state government, the hard line of the Foreigners Office is causing renewed controversy. Alexander Moritz collected voices from the family and friends, from politicians in charge and from refugee initiatives.
“The report examines the problem of deporting long-time residents, drawing on arguments from all sides of the conflict and using gripping quotes for emphasis. It is based on comprehensive research, the results of which are presented in a convincing and comprehensible manner. This is informative and stirring at the same time.”
Rendez-vous at noon: In the jungle of Timisoara
Swiss Radio and Television
Writer: Sarah Nowotny
Editor: Daniel Foppa
The report concerns the situation of Afghan and Lebanese refugees who try to cross the border from the Romanian city of Timisoara to Hungary, en route to the West. Most of them fail. In Timisoara they encounter authorities failing to cope with the challenge, but also great solidarity among the people.
“An insightful approach to a neglected side of the topic of flight and refugees. Very accessible, presented not from a distanced perspective, but from a close-up experience. Cleverly selected original sounds create images in the mind’s eye.”
The last day. The assassination attempt in Hanau
Deutschlandradio | Deutschlandfunk Kultur | WDR | NDR
Author: Sebastian Friedrich
Director: Hannah Georgi
Editing: Katrin Moll
Co-production: Dlf Kultur | WDR | NDR
In February 2020, a racist assassin in Hanau killed nine people, then his mother and himself. Based on the testimonies of witnesses, relatives and friends, the feature reconstructs the course of the attack and sheds light on the social background of everyday life in the Hanau district of Kesselstadt detecting racism and social conflict, but also feelings of togetherness among the residents of the neighbourhood.
“This is moving and extremely well scripted. The course of events is related in meticulous detail so as to create an almost cinematic liveliness. At the same time, the action – the assassination and its circumstances – is perfectly embedded into its background of racism, class barriers and the victims’ living conditions. The social hotspot Kesselstadt is more than that – it is a home as well; the author treats its inhabitants with respect and empathy.”
Seehofers 69 – Deported to Afghanistan and back. 1
Deutschlandfunk | NDR
Author:| Director: Armin Ghassim, Annette Kammerer
Director: Dörte Fiedler
Editing: Wolfgang Schiller
Co-production: Deutschlandfunk | NDR
It was the largest deportation to date (3 July 2018): 69 people were returned to Afghanistan “on my 69th birthday of all days”, joked then Interior Minister Horst Seehofer. The feature follows the fate of four deportees, all of whom were well integrated in their new homeland. Theirs are stories of the struggle against bureaucracy, of life and survival in illegality, of the misery of renewed flight, but also of help from German friends.
“An unobtrusive but in substance relentless reckoning with Seehofer’s gaffe. The absurdity and cynicism of bureaucratic politics are demonstrated by telling quotes from official letters and contrasted with the real lives of those affected. They are not treated as victims, but as equal human beings. The journalistic approach is engaged while preserving some distance. An extraordinarily clever script and a very well edited original soundtrack keep the suspense until the end.”
Zündfunk Generator | Apo Don Me How Albanians are changing (German) pop
Bayerischer Rundfunk | Bayern 2
Author: Malcolm Ohanwe
Editor: Michael Bartle P
roducer: Christiane Schmidbauer-Huber
An estimated 150,000 Kosovars and 50,000 Albanians live in Germany. A special variety of pop music has developed out of their midst whose enormous popularity has not yet been fully acknowledged by German music critics. This radio feature introduces some of the stars of Albano hip hop and describes the political and cultural background of their success.
“The feature shows the pop music side of the immigration society – a facet that usually remains underexposed. From an inside perspective – as a fan as well as an expert – the author presents the music and its enthusiasts, doing equal justice to both. A subjective approach, so artfully rendered that it is a pleasure to listen from beginning to end.”
In search of a home | Only a guest? Having two homes.
Deutschlandradio | Deutschlandfunk
Author: Anh Tran
Director: Ute Reckers
Editors: Ute Reckers, Barbara Roth, Sandro Schröder
Production: Dennis Kogel
Reporter Anh Tran, a native of Dresden with Vietnamese roots, embarks on a search for her roots. Home – what exactly is that? She discusses the question with Manik and her mother Dalli. Manik says: “I am one hundred percent Indian and one hundred percent German!” A double homeland – is that possible? Or do you have to suppress your feelings for one of the two? Manik and Dalli describe their personal experiences with a difficult emotion.
“A multi-faceted topic is addressed straight to the point. The author takes the listeners on an emotionally touching and intellectually exciting journey of discovery without any finger-pointing. The protagonists’ willingness to narrate and discuss is skilfully made use of. Lightness and seriousness do not get in each other’s way, but complement each other.”
Cui Bono: WTF happened to Ken Jebsen Episode 2, Escape to the front
Studio Bummens | NDR | K2H
Author: Khesrau Behroz
Editors: Tobias Bauckhage, Dennis Dabelstein, Volkmar Kabisch, Pascale Müller, Sören Musyal
Production: Tobias Bauckhage
Co-production: Norbert Grundei (NDR), Moritz Hohenfeld (K2H)
This program is the second of a six-part series documenting the rise and fall of former radio presenter Ken Jebsen. The episode sheds light on the background of Jebsen’s dismissal by rbb radio station and describes his new start with KenFM, a popular media platform copying the successful formula of the American conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
“An artfully assembled wealth of material, the result of thorough research, which retells and analyses the Jebsen case in a very differentiated and fair manner. A podcast that meticulously traces how people get caught up in the maelstrom of conspiracy theories and the dangers this entails. An exciting and entertaining drama with a virtuoso soundtrack, a rich plate of audio storytelling.”
RYMEcast: Sinti and Roma Annual Review 2021
Author: Sejnur Memisi
Director: Sejnur Memisi
Editors: Sejnur Memisi, Nino Novakovic
Production: Sejnur Memisi
This detailed review recalls the events that shaped the social life of Sinti:zze and Rom:nja in Germany in 2021. The two hosts let representatives of the community have their say, tell anecdotes and, in dialogue with each other, reflect on developments concerning their community as well as other marginalised groups.
“The two presenters conduct a detailed, unbiased live conversation. These are not self-promoters with an overly slick product, but two dedicated hosts who deliver authentic and entertaining narratives from the lives of Sinti:zze and Rom:nja – without vanity, with a lot of heart and soul, and very instructive in the process.”
Terror at the OEZ – Five years after the attack in Munich Episode 1: Three minutes
Süddeutsche Zeitung | Spotify
Authors: Nabila Abdel-Aziz, Imre Balzer, Vinzent-Vitus Leitgeb
Director: Julia Ongyerth
Editors: Nabila Abdel-Aziz, Imre Balzer, Vinzent-Vitus Leitgeb
Production: Vinzent-Vitus Leitgeb, Tim Wagemanns, Daniel Nikolaou
This is the story of a fatal misjudgement: For years, the attack at Munich’s Olympic shopping centre, which claimed nine lives, was dismissed as a killing spree. Interviews with relatives and witnesses show that indeed it was an act of right-wing terror. The program uncovers the deeply flawed handling of the case by the authorities.
Careful research succeeds in retracing the attack from the perspective of the victims and reveals how the racist dimension of the crime has been suppressed for far too long. The podcast makes one feel how painful the incompetence of the authorities was for the relatives and exposes the political side to this failure.”
Two-Thirds FM – Season 1 Is there friendship in prison? Episode 4.
Zweidrittel FM | JSA Berlin
Authors: Fabian Grieger, Jonas Seufert
Editors: Fabian Grieger, Jonas Seufert, Daniel
Production: Boris Hermann, Jörn Hedtke
Co-production: Birgit Lang, Anett Krause, Tobias Schmidt
Zweidrittel FM is produced by a team of prisoners, musicians, journalists and teachers at the Berlin Youth Detention Centre. This episode tells the story of a rare friendship among inmates. The two Iraqis Ali and Ziko met in jail and discovered their problems with the justice system are part of the bigger question: How do you manage to fully arrive and settle in Germany?
“This is a glimpse into a world that most outsiders have no idea about. Just getting the two young prisoners to speak so candidly about themselves is a great achievement. The tone is neither stigmatising nor patronising or lecturing, the protagonists are met at eye level.”
Drama (Kinostart: 28.10.2021)
Regie: York-Fabian Raabe
Drehbuch: York-Fabian Raabe, Toks Körner
Darsteller:innen: Eugene Boateng, Christiane Paul, Adjetey Anang, Jude Arnold Kurankyi u.a.
Produktion: Chromosom Filmproduktion, East End Film, TD Afrique Films
Produzent:innen: Alexander Wadouh (Chromosom Filmproduktion), Elaine Niessner (East End Film), Thomas Niessner (East End Film), Danny Damah (TD Afrique Films)
Koproduktion: Südwestrundfunk (SWR), ARTE Deutschland
Filmverleih: Across Nations Filmverleih
Die beiden Brüder Kojo und Kofi leben in Ghana. Sie verdienen sich ihren Lebensunterhalt mit dem Sammeln von Elektroschrott aus Europa. Kojo trifft eines Tages auf einen „Borga“, einen, der es in Deutschland angeblich zu etwas gebracht hat. Während sein Bruder in Ghana bleibt, tritt Kojo Jahre später die gefährliche und langwierige Reise nach Europa an. Bei der Ankunft stellt er fest, dass das gute Leben eines “Borga“ nur Illusion war.
Für den vollständigen Film senden Sie bitte eine Mail an: Koordination@across-nations.de
Spielfilm (Kinostart: 28.10.2021)
Regie: Sönke Wortmann
Drehbuch: Doron Wisotzky
Buchvorlage: “Le Brio“ von Victor Saint Macary, Yaël Langmann, Yvan Attal, Noé Debré
Darsteller:innen: Nilam Farooq, Christoph Maria Herbst, Hassan Akkouch, Ernst Stötzner, Meriam Abbas, Mohamed Issa, Stefan Gorski, Lieke Hoppe, Fatima Naji, Nassiem X. Al-Sheikh Mustafa, Cristiano Papasimos, Akim Schödel, Selin Dörtkades u.a.
Produktion: Constantin Film Produktion
Produzenten: Christoph Müller, Tom Spieß
Creative Producer: Martin Moszkowicz
Koproduktion: SevenPictures Film
Koproduzent: Dr. Stefan Gärtner
Filmverleih: Constantin Filmverleih
Jura-Professor Richard Pohl beleidigt während einer Vorlesung die junge Studentin Naima Hamid mit einem rassistischen Spruch. Er wird dabei gefilmt, das Video geht viral. Der Druck auf die Universität ist groß, ihm droht die Entlassung. Seine einzige Chance: er soll Naima für einen bundesweiten Debattier-Wettbewerb zwischen den Universitäten vorbereiten. Weder Naima Hamid noch Richard Pohl sind zunächst begeistert.
Der Pfad
Kinderfilm/Abenteuer (Kinostart: 17.02.2022)
Regie: Tobias Wiemann
Drehbuch: Rüdiger Bertram, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen
Buchvorlage: Rüdiger Bertram
Darsteller:innen: Julius Weckauf, Volker Bruch, Nonna Cardoner, Bruna Cusí, Maria Pau Pegem, Anna Maria Mühe, Lucas Prisor, Jytte-Merle Böhrnsen u.a.
Produktion: eyrie entertainment
Produzent: Daniel Ehrenberg
Koproduktion: Warner Bros. Film Productions Germany, Lemming Film Germany
Koproduzentin: Leontine Petit
Filmverleih: Warner Bros.
Der kritische Journalist Ludwig Kirsch ist mit seinem Sohn Rolf auf der Flucht vor dem Nazi-Regime mit dem Ziel USA. Von Südfrankreich aus müssen sie zunächst den gefährlichen Weg nach Spanien über die Pyrenäen nehmen. Núria, ein 12jähriges Mädchen, soll ihnen dabei helfen. Als Ludwig in Gefangenschaft gerät, müssen die beiden unterschiedlichen Kinder zusammenhalten. Eine außergewöhnliche Freundschaft entsteht.
Herr Bachmann und seine Klasse
Dokumentarfilm (Kinostart: 16.09.2021)
Regie: Maria Speth
Drehbuch: Maria Speth, Reinhold Vorschneider
Darsteller:innen: Dieter Bachmann, Aynur Bal, Önder Cavdar, Schüler:innen der Klassen 6b und 6f
Produktion: Madonnenfilm
Produzentin: Maria Speth
Filmverleih: Grandfilm
Herr Bachmann ist Lehrer und unterrichtet die 6. Jahrgangsstufe. Viele seiner Schüler:innen haben eine Einwanderungsgeschichte, sind kulturell und sozial ganz unterschiedlich geprägt. Herr Bachmann begegnet ihnen allen außerordentlich offen, empathisch und engagiert. Er setzt auf die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den Mädchen und Jungen; dabei ist Musik ein wesentliches verbindendes Element.
Spielfilm (Kinostart: 23.09.2021)
Regie: Philipp Stölzl
Drehbuch Eldar Grigorian
Buchvorlage: Schachnovelle von Stefan Zweig
Darsteller:innen: Oliver Masucci, Albrecht Schuch, Birgit Minichmayr, Rolf Lassgard, Samuel Finzi, Andreas Lust, Luisa-Céline Gaffron, Lukas Miko u.a.
Produzenten: Philipp Worm, Tobias Walker
Koproduktion: DOR FILM Produktionsgesellschaft, Studiocanal Film, ARD Degeto (Redaktion: Claudia Grässel, Sebastian Lückel), Bayerischer Rundfunk (Redaktion: Carlos Gerstenhauer, Tobias Schultze), ORF
Koproduzent:innen: Danny Krausz, Kalle Friz, Isabel Hund, Sandrine Mattes
Filmverleih: Studiocanal
1938 wird Österreich von den Nationalsozialisten besetzt. Kurz bevor der Anwalt und Vermögensverwalter Josef Bartok aus dem Land fliehen kann, wird er verhaftet. Der Leiter der Gestapo, Franz-Josef Böhm, will mit Bartoks Hilfe an die Konten reicher Österreicher gelangen. Der Anwalt weigert sich, sein Wissen preiszugeben und kommt daraufhin in Isolationshaft. In seiner Verzweiflung hilft ihm ein Schachbuch, das er heimlich entwendet.
Header: Caleb Oquendo from pexels