Prize-Giving Ceremony
The European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity was awarded on May 27, 2024. The event was hosted by Vivian Perkovic.
In the running have been programme contributions from television, radio, the Internet and cinema that deal with migration, integration and cultural diversity and – linked to this – social cohesion in Europe. The CIVIS Media Prize 2024 is awarded in four areas – VIDEO | AUDIO | YOUNG C. | CINEMA – and several different categories.
Watch the CIVIS Prize Ceremony 2024 here.
ARD/DasErste, Wednesday, 30. May, 00:05 a.m.
Here in the ARD-Mediathek.
Broadcast dates for the CIVIS Award Ceremony:
- WDR, Friday, 31. May, at 09:25 a.m.
- tagesschau24, Thursday, 30. May, at 10:50 p.m.
- rbb, Friday, 31. May, at 01:35 a.m.
- ORF, Wednesday, 5. June, at 8:15 a.m.
- 3sat, Friday, 14. June, at 11:35 a.m.