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STRG_F: Israel and Gaza: Life between terror and war

Prize-winner 2024
CIVIS VIDEO AWARD – Social Media Format

Authors:Lisa Hagen, Armin Ghassim, Mariam Noori, Manuel Biallas, Sulaiman Tadmory, Timo Robben
Editorial:Lutz Ackermann, Volker Steinhoff
Social media format, NDR | funk

The film depicts the fate of two young people affected by the current Middle East war, the German-Israeli Yarden and the German-Palestinian Abed. 35-year-old Yarden has been taken hostage to Gaza by Hamas. There, 27-year-old Abed, on a visit to his family, comes under Israeli rocket fire. Friends and relatives die. He is only allowed to leave the country after five weeks. Yarden’s family fights for her release.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
“The production is biased in a positive way – it takes the side of empathy and humanity. It does not impose judgements on the audience, but provides impressions and insights that allow listeners to form their own opinion on the current situation between Israel and Palestine.”

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