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Seehofers 69 – Deported to Afghanistan and back.

Nomination 2022
CIVIS AUDIO AWARD – Long Programmes

Autor:in :Armin Ghassim, Annette Kammerer
Editorial:Wolfgang Schiller
Direction:Armin Ghassim, Annette Kammerer, Dörte Fiedler
Co-Production:Deutschlandfunk | NDR

Further informations

It was the largest deportation to date (3 July 2018): 69 people were returned to Afghanistan “on my 69th birthday of all days”, joked then Interior Minister Horst Seehofer. The feature follows the fate of four deportees, all of whom were well integrated in their new homeland. Theirs are stories of the struggle against bureaucracy, of life and survival in illegality, of the misery of renewed flight, but also of help from German friends.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
An unobtrusive but in substance relentless reckoning with Seehofer’s gaffe. The absurdity and cynicism of bureaucratic politics are demonstrated by telling quotes from official letters and contrasted with the real lives of those affected. They are not treated as victims, but as equal human beings. The journalistic approach is engaged while preserving some distance. An extraordinarily clever script and a very well edited original soundtrack keep the suspense until the end.

asylum    flight    social cohesion   

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