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WDRforyou – Afghanistan Talk

Nomination 2022
CIVIS VIDEO AWARD – Social Media Format

Autor:in :Bamdad Esmaili, Isabel Schayani
Editorial:Isabel Schayani (WDR)
Direction:Bamdad Esmaili, Isabel Schayani
Producer:Tibet Sinha (WDR)
Social media format

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After the Taliban take-over, many Afghans in Germany are worried about their families who have stayed behind. They realise their relatives are in great danger and no improvement of the situation can be expected. Bamdad Esmaili and Isabel Schayani talk to Afghan families in exile about the precarious fate of their loved-ones back home.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
The two hosts act as journalists and community managers in equal measure. They exploit perfectly the possibilities of social media by providing an interactive exchange platform for a target group whose non-German information options are limited or completely cut off for technical, political and linguistic reasons. Journalistically completely on the mark, politically extremely important and highly topical.

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