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White Fragility Why Whites Tend to Overlook Racism

Nomination 2021
CIVIS AUDIO AWARD – Long Programmes

Authors:Esther Diestelmann, Kokutekeleza Musebeni
Editorial:Thomas Kretschmer, Caroline v. Lowtzow
Direction:Rainer Schaller
Production:Bayerischer Rundfunk
Documentary, Bayern2

Many white people feel ashamed at the accusation of racism. But what if we were all merely part of a racist system? This is the basic theory on which Critical Whiteness research is built. It investigates why it is so difficult to discuss with white people the influence of their skin colour.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
White Fragility: Warum Weiße Rassismus so leicht übersehen is an exciting and provocative piece that makes you think again and challenges you to take a stand – a deliberately subjective invitation to engage with a current debate around the issue of racism.


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