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Young, Bavarian, Jewish | Multimedia series against prejudices
Nomination 2019
European CIVIS Online Prize – webvideos
Authorised to represent: | Walter Schmich |
Conception: | Julian Wenzel, Kevin Ebert, Nina Lenz |
Intense, emotional and highly topical. The situation of Jewish life in Germany. A single voice, with their very personal experience. What does it mean to be Jewish today – between anti-Semitism, right-wing advances, Holocaust remembrance and demonstrative expressions of solidarity? Many Jews know the feeling of being threatened and insulted, and violent attacks are on the rise. But they still like living in Germany.
Excerpt from the jury’s statement
How a young Jew sees the situation in Germany – very personal, convincing, not accusatory.
anti-Semitism right wing populism/ right wing radicalism/ right wing extremism
Photo credits
Header: iStockphoto / CreVis2