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Border Experience (The Balkans: Europe’s Bouncers):
Nomination 2017
European CIVIS Online Prize – webpages
Authorised to represent: | Michael Karhausen |
Conception: | Rayna Breuer, Sime Nedevski |
“Multimedia-Balkanroute” is a multimedia special, a journey on the borders of the Balkans. The most important way to Western Europe is completely sealed off. Hundreds of kilometres of barbed wire and walls have been built since last year. Thousands of people have stopped on their way. Who are they, what have they been through? A search for evidence along several Border crossing points. Conversations with refugees in overcrowded accommodation, who hardly have any hope of reaching their destinations. A web project with young journalists in the West Balkans.
Excerpt from the jury’s statement
Aktuell, bildstark, faktenreich – ein hochinformatives Internet offer.
Header: iStockphoto / CreVis2