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Monitor: Refugee Drama in the Mediterranean. How the EU creates Causes of Flight rather than combating them

Nomination 2016
European CIVIS Television Prize – magazines

Authors:Peter Heller, Bernhard Rübe, Achim Pollmeier, Frank Konopatzki
Editorial:Georg Restle, Markus Zeidler (WDR)
Magazine, WDR/ARD

“Combat the causes of flight” is one of the central demands of European political leaders in response to the mass death of refugees in the Mediterranean. But the blame for the thousands of deaths is also shared by the trade and agricultural policy of the EU and Germany. Hundreds of thousands of farmers and fishermen have lost their livelihoods due to them. Anyone who wants to seriously fight the causes of flight must address this. Instead, new trade agreements threaten, which will force the developing countries even further towards the brink.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
Presents the whole tragedy – moving, haunting, compelling.


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