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2Doc: Borders

Nomination 2015
European CIVIS Television Prize – information

Author:Jacqueline van Vugt
Editorial:Barbara Hin
Producer:Pieter van Huystee Film in co-production with IKON
Documentary, NPO 2

A film about borders and border-crossings. And about the dream of finding a better life in Europe and the terrible price to be paid to overcome these borders along the way. This documentary follows the route of Nigerian migrants through Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Mauritania, Morocco, Spain, France, Belgium and finally to the Netherlands. The border zones change like the people, the light, the colours and the temperatures. Yet always there is the ubiquitous threat of violence, exploitation and exhaustion. 

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
An astonishing achievement, beautifully filmed, a poignant study of what people are prepared to endure to come to Europe.


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