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Extradited! Temporary workers at Amazon
Prize-winner 2014
German CIVIS Television Prize – information
Prize-winners: | Peter Onneken, Diana Löb |
Editorial: | Sabine Mieder, Bettina Schmidt-Matthiesen |
Low wages, cramped accommodation and right-wing security forces. Every year during the high season, the online retailer Amazon Deutschland recruits thousands of migrant workers from abroad. What really awaits the workers is a nasty surprise: Amazon does not present them with a contract, but rather a tem- porary employment agency. Significantly less pay than promised in the recruit- ment, long rides in crowded buses and cramped accommodation in a leisure park and a security service that intimidates and penetrates into the private sphere of the workers. Anyone who objects is thrown out.
Excerpt from the jury’s statement
Investigative report on temporary agency work – a journalistic achievement, technically outstanding.
Header: iStockphoto / CreVis2