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DOK: The Asylum Chief and the Nigerians

Prize-winner 2011
European CIVIS Television Prize – information

Prize-winner:Karin Bauer
Editorial:Nathalie Rufer, Christoph Müller
Direction:Karin Bauer
Documentary, SRF

Alard du Bois-Reymond is head of the Swiss Federal Office for Migration. Since the yes vote to the extradition initiative, strict regulations apply to asylum policy. The new director implements them and he describes the majority of the Nigerian applicants for political asylum as criminal. The relations to Nigeria deteriorate. A Nigerian dies during the violent deportation. The asylum chief becomes the target of public criticism. The documentary shows how Alard du Bois-Reymond tackles his job in his first term of office. It shows the complicated political back – grounds, people and destinies.

Excerpt from the jury’s statement
Critical, surprising, journalistically impressive.

asylum    migration   

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