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Hörbilder: Karntn is lei ans. The story of a deportation

Prize-winner 2009
European CIVIS Radio Prize – long programmes

Prize-winner:Doris Stoisser
Editorial:Eva Roither (ORF)
Direction:Doris Stoisser
Feature, ORF
Broadcasting date 27.09.2008, 09:05 hrs.

Three refugee families are deported from Carinthia in 2008 by order of the head of the provincial government Jörg Haider. The deportation was preceded by a mass brawl in which local and foreign teenagers were involved. Based on a vague suspicion, three Chechen teenagers were singled out and deported together with their families as “violent Chechens”. The administrative senate of the state of Carinthia declared the action of the head of provincial government to be illegal. Its verdict remains without consequences.

asylum    racism   

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