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Kulturen 1: The “Happy Hill” of Novi Pazar
Nomination 2008
European CIVIS Radio Prize – long programmes
Author: | Andreas Meyer-Feist |
Editorial: | Gunther Schneider |
Direction: | Andreas Meyer-Feist |
Broadcasting date 04.11.2007 at 11:40 hrs by HR-Info
A small village close to the Serbian provincial centre of Novi Pazar. Here 90 percent of the population are failed applicants for political asylum in Germany. War refugees, some of whom had to return to Serbia after twelve years. Many of the children speak only poor German and no Serbian. They can neither read nor write and also do not go to school. An aid programme financed by Germany and the EU would be possible. The persons responsible in Serbia continue to do nothing.
Photo credits
Header: iStockphoto / CreVis2