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Thema: “Deportations” – The Country has a Problem

Nomination 2008
European CIVIS Television Prize – information

Authors:Oliver Rubenthaler, Christoph Feurstein, David Krutzler
Editorial:Oliver Rubenthaler, Christoph Feurstein, David Krutzler
Direction:Oliver Rubenthaler, Christoph Feurstein, David Krutzler
Magazine programme , ORF
Broadcasting date 08.10.2007 at 21:10 hrs by ORF 2

The partial deportation of two families from Kosovo has triggered an intense debate about the right of political asylum in Austria. The 15-year-old Arigona’s suicidal thoughts have shaken the country. To avoid her deportation, she has gone underground and threatens in a video message to commit suicide. More and more citizens are demanding a “humanitarian right of residence” for rejected applicants for political asylum who have lived in Austria for many years.

asylum    social cohesion    civil courage   

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