
Ferdos Forudastan
Executive Director
Head office: +49 221 2775870
Studied law in Freiburg; 1989 – 1999 capital correspondent, firstly for the tageszeitung newspaper, then for the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper; from 1999 presenter and author for (among others) WDR and Deutschlandfunk; 2012-2017 Head of the Press and PR unit at the Office of the Federal President/spokeswoman for Federal President Joachim Gauck; 2018-2020 Head of Domestic Politics at Süddeutsche Zeitung; Executive Director of the CIVIS Media Foundation and Head of the WDR Europe Forum since April 2020.

Dr. Christina Killius
Authorized signatory | Head of Design and Coordination
Photo credits
Headerbild: iStockphoto / bestdesigns (Screens)
Ferdos Forudastan: Paulus Ponizak / Südwestdeutsche Medienholding GmbH / dpa