About the dialogue
CIVIS media dialogs start in 2024
The CIVIS Media Foundation sees itself as a forum for debate and a network. It encourages an ongoing exchange on all aspects of living together in an immigration society and how they are reflected in the media. To this end, it regularly brings together experts from the media, academia and civil society organizations.
The CIVIS Media Dialogues are a new high-profile meeting place for experts from various fields to discuss current social and political debates on the numerous topics of the European immigration society and their media coverage from different perspectives. CIVIS aims to bring together people from different fields of activity, origins and backgrounds. The CIVIS media dialogues, which will start in January 2024, are intended to increase reflection on the media’s approach to migration, integration, cultural diversity and – linked to this – social cohesion. As the media are of fundamental importance for coexistence in the immigration society in general, CIVIS interprets the content of its media dialogues broadly.
With its media dialogs, the CIVIS Media Foundation acts as a communication space and a source of inspiration. Its aim is to contribute to a differentiated and constructive debate on one of society’s most pressing issues.
The CIVIS Media Foundation is supported in organizing the CIVIS Media Dialogues by the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration, who is also the Federal Government Commissioner for Anti-Racism. The CIVIS Media Foundation’s cooperation partner in organizing the CIVIS Media Dialogues is Stiftung Mercator.
lapandr, iStockphoto