CIVIS Media Conference 2020
It is a discussion that has recently been regaining momentum: How important are personal traits and experiences for journalistic work? Does it make a difference to journalists’ reports, analyses, commentaries, for example, whether their families have always lived here or have a migratory background? How is this point related to the still very low representation of people from immigrant families in German media, especially in leading positions? And where do such considerations come into play in the ever more lively debate about identity and identity politics?
These questions were addressed at the media conference of the CIVIS Media Foundation on Tuesday, 1 December 2020, 10:00-12:45.

Studied political science in Berlin and Cairo. During his studies he worked as a journalist for the tageszeitung (taz), Frankfurter Rundschau and Deutschlandfunk. 2014-2016 traineeship at Tagesspiegel. 2016-2018 Editor of Zeit Magazin. 2018-2020 Editor at politics section of DIE ZEIT. Since 2020 freelance journalist for Spiegel, ZEIT, taz, among others. Since September 2020 author of bi-weekly column Die Nafrichten for taz.

Studied history, philosophy, English and public law in Bonn and Oxford. Since 1989 staffer at arts section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ). 1993-1997 permanent staffer of FAZ arts section based in Bonn. 1997 moved to Frankfurt, where he was deputy head of arts section and editor in charge of new non-fiction releases. 2001 Head of arts section. 2012-2015 cultural correspondent in New York. Then arts correspondent, since 2016 editor in charge of “Humanities” department of FAZ in Munich. Since 2018 also cultural correspondent for North Rhine-Westphalia.

Studied Philosophy, German Language and Litereature, Indology, Political Science, Public Law in Bonn. 2003-2008 Reporter in ZDF regional studio Thuringia and for ZDF programme Drehscheibe Deutschland. 2008-2011 Consultant for ZDF editors-in-chief Nikolaus Brender and Peter Frey. 2011-2015 Reporter ZDF regional studio Hesse. 2015-2019 ZDF correspondent in Brussels. Since March 2019 Deputy Head of the ZDF Capital Studio Berlin and presenter of “Berlin direkt”.

Studied political science, Romance studies and Islamic studies in Cologne. 2004 doctorate. 2004-2009 Lecturer in Political Science at University of Göttingen and Free University Berlin. 2009 Research and teaching at Institute of Social Sciences at Humboldt University of Berlin, since 2015 Professor for Integration and Social Policy Research. 2014-2018 Deputy Director, since 2018 Director at Institute for Integration and Migration Research. Since 2017 director and founding board member of German Centre for Integration and Migration Research.

Studies and state examinations for teachers (level secondary I, Arts & German) in Gießen, Master’s degree (media science, social science, cultural semiotics) at HBK Braunschweig. 2011 doctorate in media and communication studies at University of Erfurt. 2015-2020 Research assistant at the Chair for International Comparistic Studies of Media Systems, Institute of Media Studies, Ruhr University Bochum. Summer semester 2017 substitute professor, Chair of Communication Studies, University of Greifswald. Since April 2020 Professor for “Transcultural Media Communication” at TH Köln.

Studies (Islamic Studies, Modern History, International Law) in Bonn. WDR traineeship. Editor at ARD-Morgenmagazin, Monitor. Presenter at Funkhaus Europa, Cosmo TV, WDR 5, Weltspiegel. Freelance author. Since 2009 commentator for ARD Tagesthemen. 2014-2015 TV correspondent at ARD New York studio. Since 2015 Editor WDR Fernsehen, Programme Group Foreign Affairs. Since 2016 Head of “WDRforyou”.

Studied journalism, philosophy, psychology, German language and literature in Berlin, at Fern-Universität Hagen, Bloomington (USA). Doctorate in political science. 1999 to 2003 research assistant at University Bremen.Lecturer at International University Bremen. 2003 change to Süddeutsche Zeitung. Since 2016 Professor for Journalistic Basics and Strategies at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Head of exchange programme with University of Memphis.

Studied German language and literature, history and political science in Dortmund. Traineeship at Rheinische Post, since 1990 editor at WDR Jugendfunk (riff), WDR 2 (especially Mittagsmagazin), WDR 5 (Current Affairs department), correspondent in capital studio Bonn. Head of WDR radio programme Funkhaus Europa from 2003-2009. 2009-2019 head of regional radio programmes. Since 2019 Editor-in-Chief Radio. Since January 2020 also Head of WDR 5.

Member of Bundestag since 1998 and Health Policy Spokesperson of CDU/CSU parliamentary group since 2002. Since 2009 State Secretary in Federal Ministry of Health. Since 2018 Minister of State in the Federal Chancellery, Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration. Chair of Women’s Union since 2015. Member of the CDU Executive Committee since 2012 and the CDU Presidium since 2018.
Header: Luis Quintero from pexels (Collage CIVIS)
Mohamed Amjahid © A. Langer
Patrick Bahners © F.A.Z. / Wolfgang Eilmes
Shakuntala Banerjee © ZDF / Claudius Pflug
Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan © imago stock&people / Jens Jeske
Prof. Dr. Christine Horz privat
Isabel Schayani © Horst Galuschka / picture alliance / dpa
Prof. Dr. Tanjev Schultz © imago / Future Image
Jona Teichmann © WDR Herby Sachs
Annette Widmann-Mauz © Bundesregierung / Steffen Kugler