“Venturing more ego?”
On the importance of identity in journalism
It is a discussion that has recently been regaining momentum: How important are personal traits and experiences for journalistic work? Does it make a difference to journalists’ reports, analyses, commentaries, for example, whether their families have always lived here or have a migratory background? How is this point related to the still very low representation of people from immigrant families in German media, especially in leading positions? And where do such considerations come into play in the ever more lively debate about identity and identity politics? These questions were addressed at the media conference of the CIVIS Media Foundation on Tuesday, 1 December 2020, 10:00-12:45.
Here you can find the presentations and discussions at the CIVIS Media Conference 2020. You can find the entire media conference here.
Ferdos Forudastan | Managing Director CIVIS Media Foundation
Minister of State Annette Widmann-Mauz | Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration
Impulse lecture
Prof. Dr. Naika Foroutan | Director of the Berlin Institute for Empirical Integration and Migration Research at the Humboldt University of Berlin – followed by a Q&A session
Prof. Dr. Christine Horz | Institute for Translation and Multilingual Communication at the Cologne University of Technology
Mohamed Amjahid Freelance journalist (for DIE ZEIT and SPIEGEL, among others) and book author;
Patrick Bahners FAZ Editor in charge of humanities and cultural correspondent North Rhine-Westphalia
Shakuntala Banerjee Deputy Head of the ZDF Capital Studio Berlin;
Prof. Dr. Tanjev Schultz Institute for Journalism at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz;
Jona Teichmann Editor-in-Chief WDR Radio and Director WDR 5
Ferdos Forudastan | Managing Director CIVIS Media Foundation
Header: Luis Quintero from pexels, Collage CIVIS