CIVIS Media Foundation
for Integration and Cultural Diversity in Europe
HRB 50754 / AG Cologne
Ferdos Forudastan (Executive Director)
Postal address
Minoritenstraße 7
50667 Cologne, Germany Phone +49 221 2775870
Ferdos Forudastan (Executive Director)
Isabella Bleissem (Assistant ED)
Responsible according to art 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):
Ferdos Forudastan
Concept, Art Direction and Design
designplus – bureau for design, Cologne
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The CIVIS Media Foundation does not assume any liability or guarantee the topicality, correctness and completeness of the contents and information which are available on this website via direct or indirect references (links). The utilisation of links which lead to web pages other that the CIVIS website take place under the user’s own responsibility.
All litigation resulting from the CIVIS website is subject to German law.
Header: Miguel Á. Padriñán from pexels