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CIVIS Media Foundation

For over three decades, the CIVIS Media Foundation has been focussing on migration, integration, cultural diversity and the portrayal of all this in the electronic media. How TV, radio, Internet and cinema report on the co-existence of people from different backgrounds and cultures in Europe; how they address the issues of racism, anti-Semitism and extremism, as well as strategies to combat hatred and propaganda, are the subject of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity. The nominated and award-winning entries of the past 36 years provide an excellent overview of outstanding programme achievements in the electronic media on topics relating to European immigrant society. The programmes also show which aspects of these topics were the focus of media attention at different times.

The new “CIVIS dossier” series summarises nominated and award-winning programme achievements on specific issues for selected current events.

Halle Dossier

Five years have passed since a heavily armed right-wing extremist attempted to force his way into a synagogue in Halle and...
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In waves

Some nine years ago: ‘We can do it!’. Today: ‘Enough is enough!’. The debates on asylum policy are becoming increasingly heated, as are the measures taken to ...
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Long shadows

The dice have barely been cast for the European Parliament and the next round of elections is on the horizon, in which the far right...
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Standing up against the right

The right-wing extremist secret meeting in Potsdam has startled many people - so much so that ...
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The great promise

It has been 75 years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted in Paris. In response to the countless...
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Hesitant realization

On November 23, 2023, it will be 50 years old: the recruitment stop, a measure taken by the West German government to end labor migration to...
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Looking into the abyss

The shots were fired almost exactly ten years ago. On November 4, 2011, Uwe Böhnhardt and Uwe Mundlos put an...
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Late remembrance

It is a crime against humanity that has played almost no role in public perception for far too long:...
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… and then Hanau.

19 February 2021 marks the first anniversary of the attack in Hanau, where a man…
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Fleeing to Europe – 2015 to 2020

Five years ago, during the night of 4 to 5 September 2015, Angela Merkel took a decision that still plagues Germany, in particular, as well as...
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